A Complete SEO strategy guideline for Higher ranking

A Complete SEO Strategy Guideline For Higher-Ranking

Every individual and business owner wants to see their website ranked on search engines like Google and Bing. The word Rank seems to be a small word but it’s not easy to organize content, it takes a long time and process but it is possible if you follow all the techniques correctly.

You may have a well-designed website and you also have products for sale online, in which case you will not be able to rank online unless you have a good strategy. So to get on the first page of the search engine you need to have a great well-planned SEO strategy, which we will discuss in this full article.

By the way, most of you can be a newbie in the SEO field, You may have heard this three-letter through the internet But do not understand what the explanation is.

And you know when it comes to creating and implementing a good SEO technique for your business, simply creating content for the keywords your customers are looking for is both difficult and good, both wrong.

You are going to learn everything you need to know from this article. We have covered every essential step for you…

Why SEO Strategy is Essential?

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) strategy is the process of ranking a website on the first page of the search engine and the steps to implement. That means the strategies are the steps you follow or use to get more traffic to your website.

With regards to expanding the number of clients you get through your site, you need to ensure that you have chosen a well-planned strategy that fits your business.

Here are the steps the way you can create an effective search engine optimization strategy that actually works!

1. Research for the Right keyword

Experts say that keywords should be the first priority when you are planning to rank content on search engines. 

First, the best keyword research tool would be Google Suggestion (it’s free to use)

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above the image, you can see these suggestions are the most popular and most asked questions from real people on the Google search bar.

Now you’ve got an idea of what keywords people are searching

Make a list of a minimum of 10 keywords, In this list, can contain short-tail or long-tail keywords however it’s easier to rank a long-tail keyword than a short-tail. ( because it is low search volume but the magic is it’s also low competitive )

you can check the words associated with your product or service. Use an SEO tool ( Google’s Keyword Tool, SEMRush, Ahrefs just to name a few) to research these words, identify their search volume, and competition levels for those terms, and come up with variations that make sense for your content.

You will have to choose a perfect keyword it can be short/long tail ( low competitive but great search volume )

Now you have chosen a keyword, you can jump to step 2

2. Make an engaging content

Now it’s high time to create engaging quality content.

Make content/article that solves people’s problems. 

Nowadays, people are making money through blog creation likewise you also can make money online by doing this.

Always engaging content offers readers a new perspective which means readers will find something new, bits of interesting knowledge ( that attracts readers’ eyes to read more ), inspiration, or something useful or entertaining. 

Because you know that “content is king.”

Below I’m showing you an example with an image…

why influencer marketing is important
why influencer marketing is important

here you can see people are enjoying reading this content that’s why readers have shared it over 2500 times on social media.

message: It’s a matter that if readers love & enjoy any article they must share.  

3. Focus on backlinks

Why focus on backlinks? Backlinks are a gold mine especially for SEO because they offer “support of content” from one website to another and they find your content valuable enough to link to it with their own content.. In short, your website’s backlinks are hints to search engines that other people are supporting and engaging with your content.

Still, Links are a key Google ranking factor by the Google algorithm 

You might be thinking that the more links there are, the better for the site but you should keep in mind that there are two types of backlinks.

below you can see the two types of links…

now let’s expand.

1. good links: If someone links to your site, you have a backlink from them. A good link is a relevant ( related to) outbound link to a Trustworthy, authoritative site. Generally, if a site gets a lot of solid backlinks then search engines consider the site an authoritative site. 

Google sees these backlinks as a way to ensure that your site contains useful, valuable content.

2. Bad links: If someone links to your site, you have a backlink from them. A good link is an irrelevant outbound link to an untrusted, Non-authoritarian site. 

bad backlinks can harm your site. it can de-rank your site. 

Google and Bing monitor these issues very well. 

Note: Do not use any spammy or irrelevant backlinks you should always prioritize the good links according to the ranking algorithm.

4. Optimize for On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing particular web pages to rank higher and get more expected traffic in search engines. It is effective when you want your site to rank for certain positions in search engines. 

The on-page SEO technique isn’t as hard as some people make it out to be. 

There are a handful of necessary ranking factors that you should be thinking about. you should prioritize creating an exceptional user experience,

also do not over-optimize content for bots.

Most important On-page SEO factors:

  • Use short, descriptive page URLs
  • title tags
  • Write compulsory meta-descriptions
  • Implement structured data
  • Optimize headers
  • Implement SEO copywriting best practices
  • Use the target keyword within the first 100 words
  • Maintain an appropriate keyword density
  • content that satisfies user intent
  • Write readable text
  • internal and outbound links
  • Optimize for Google images

You just need to optimize one by one as I mentioned above. These are the most important and countable ranking factors.

Nowadays, The major Search Engine called Google monitors them perfectly and the bot of Google is much more intelligent!

5. Optimize for Search Intent

Search Engines’ main goal is to satisfy the search intent.

Search intent also known as user intent, or audience intent the term used to describe the intention of an online search ingredient. that’s the case, Why does someone do a specific search?

Does someone want to visit any specific website? are they looking for any answers to questions that they have? or do they want to purchase any products or services? these are the users’ online search journeys.

As an SEO expert, you should understand the theory (intent).

For example, you have some content for a specific industry and you have published some content but people in that industry are not engaging with your content because you could not identify which search query they are searching online. 

On the contrary, you can see another example below

search intent image
search intent image

The keyword “content marketing” here is clear most content is created for learning purposes. It is an “Informative” intent.

You can create content like this

search intent image 2

 Here you can see the suggestion. With these in mind, you can create better content.

6. Compress media files before uploading

it is very important to compress websites’ media files because it can slow down your website.

if any user searches anything with any keywords that match your content But where your website is supposed to show, there is another site.

You may think that everything is fine and that you have followed all the SEO rules, but the media files you have uploaded are too big to load your website. 

In other words, by the rules of major search engines ( Google, Bing ), a website that takes longer to load will not rank the website or any of its content.

You can check your website page loading speed through the “Google Page Speed Insight Checker.”

google page speed checker free

As mentioned above in the image, just put the website URL and see the results and how long it takes to load!

It is difficult for any internet browser to render a website if the media file size is bigger.

In other words, Bandwidth is notably smaller on mobile devices so loading these images on mobile devices is more difficult.

so, the smaller file size can make your website fast to load.

At this point, I just want to add a note that a smaller size is better for your site but how can you compress these images?

Here’s the solution below…

Before uploading images, videos, and GIFs, it is important to consider using compression tools to reduce file size. 

There are many online image compression tools you can find out online like TinyPNG compresses images a lot while another great tool is Squash, which compresses image files into microscopic size, You can also try Gimp to reduce image size.

7. Competitor Analysis

This step may seem old but it still works

Let’s consider a real-world example: Suppose you want to rank for a keyword but at the same time another website has ranked for that keyword. 

This means that the website that is already ranked on the search engine’s first page is your competitor.

Below I am mentioning some of the things that will benefit your SEO!

  1. Competitor Backlink Profiles:
  • Analyzing your competitors’ backlinks helps you come up with new concepts for your own link-building technique.
  • The most important part is to take a closer look at your competitors’ profiles and make a “to-do” list of domains where they ( your competitors) have already placed their high-quality, authoritative, backlinks.
  1. Examine Site Structure & UX:
  • Site structure is a significant aspect of your SEO. Google shows which pages are most important according to the structure of your website.
  • The niche you want to work with is sure to have your competitors working with the same niche, 
  • so you need to take a closer look at how they set up their websites. what do their content pages look like? what do their blogs look like?
  • With all this in mind, you also need to create a visually pleasing design.
  1. How They’re Leveraging Social Media:
  • Analyzing your competitors’ social media behavior would be another nice process for your SEO growth!
  • First and foremost, what platform are your competitors using? You should also check which platform they are avoiding.
  • Find the best time for publishing like how often they are publishing their content.
  • do they communicate with their followers/network? so, How do they communicate with their followers?
  • On what type of topic (content) is getting the most engagement?

You may even want to track competitor linkless mentions, user reviews, and PR so that you can see what their customers like about their product or service.

The three steps referred to above are important for competitive analysis.

8. Focus on your Site Speed

You may be overlooking page speed but this is a huge mistake that most website owners make. 

It has been a key ranking factor for years now. 

in another example, you may have created a well-readable informative article, selling products through your site also can mean, you’re showing something to someone on the right path. Your site needs to be faster, and quickly accessible.

It is worth considering that, the faster the site loads, the faster it will show up in search engines

If you can’t display instant information with instant results, search engines will easily avoid it.

So, the question is how you can improve your site speed.

To jump further into how to speed up the loading of your website, it comes down to turning off unnecessary things that can increase your page load time. 

Simple! There are a number of easy ways that increase the speed of your site: 

  • Choose a performance-optimized best hosting solution.
  • The first thing that comes to mind to speed up any website is to compress all the media files. Which I have already discussed in “step 6” (you can see it again)
  • Delete old and defunct plugins
  • Reduce too many redirects.
  • Cache your web pages.
  • Enable browser caching.
  • clean up your codes
  • Remove render-blocking javascript

Here I just mentioned a few. And use powerful (free) tools like Google Page Speed Insights, GTmetrix, or Pingdom to continue speed monitoring in the future.

9. User Experience ( UX )

When it comes to building a high-ranking website, SEO and user experience come to mind quickly.

User Experience is how users interact with a site without confusion or trouble and create a user-centric experience.

And does it help you achieve what you are aiming for?

Needless to say, high-quality websites follow SEO’s best tips and techniques together with an eye-catching UX design. In this point of view,  a good UX design improves site engagement, traffic, and, ultimately, the expected 1st-page ranking.

You may think that your website has quality and informative content but is not getting the traffic you expect. 

In this case, you have to understand that you have some mistakes, needless to say, UX design is one of the best practices of SEO for ranking.

If the UX design of your site is bad then you can improve it by auditing it yourself. In a nutshell, here are some UX design steps below to ensure the quality of your site’s SEO.

  • Make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. You have to pay attention to layout, text, image size, etc.
  • Get fast: That means your site should be faster which I’ve already discussed in “step 8”
  • Make easy navigation: Every time it’s proven that simple site navigation makes it easier to use.
  • Again referring to the text. It is annoying to see large text in the content while reading. So, you can follow the text size of your competitors and you can put the text accordingly.

While it’s true that users value a good experience and easy navigation. 

on the other hand, this good experience also helps Google crawlers scan your content and determine your SERP rankings.

All in all, these things will help you reduce your bounce rate, improve your SERP rankings, and create better conversions overall.

10. Stay up-to-date on SEO News

In the present time, it is very significant for any content creator to stay up to date.

Here in the SEO industry, The more you keep yourself up-to-date in terms of SEO, the more you will have the strength to survive in the competitive market.

It’s not as easy as we think SEO is. The reason for saying this is that every Year Google continues to bring a lot of updates to its algorithm.

So the matter is, How Can SEO Professionals Stay Up To Date With The Latest In The World Of SEO?

  • The first thing is to become a subscriber to the most popular SEO blogs and email newsletters.
  • Use the forum and participate in your industry community.
  • Every time try to learn what your industry toppers are following and what method they are following.

Due to this you can keep yourself up to date in the SEO field and can move ahead of your competitor.

You never have to stop in this section. If you stop, remember that you will go far behind. Because the SEO algorithm changes every year.

Final Thoughts: 

Finally, I have to say, that there is no stop to SEO Strategy. All the steps are great for the SEO journey if you follow all the processes properly and hope that you will get the actual result that you want. 

Remember, all the best things take time

In fact, it can take up to 3 to 6 months to get the expected results.

Consistent effort and time with the strategic plan can give you the best output.

We understand that these are great techniques, again you already know that SEO is changeable so you should always be ready for change and try your best.

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